Thursday, March 8, 2018

Uncommon Sense

If you watch the news, read the newspaper, work customer service, or, honestly, just leave your house and people watch, then you know that common sense isn't as common as it once was.  People are so absorbed in their own lives and feelings that they forget to be rational.  Actions are taken in favor of one's beliefs and understandings.  It doesn't seem to matter who else is affected by one's choices.
The three examples that come to mind are:

1.  Gun Control
2.  Abortion
3.  Food Stamps

These are huge issues in the United States today, and I feel as though people are taking sides instead of using their common sense.  So these are my views.  Please respect them as I respect yours.

1.  Gun Control

I remember a couple years ago listening to then President Obama talking about gun control.  I just happened to be on Facebook while I was watching this speech.  Not once did President Obama mention taking anyone's guns away.  But can you guess what was all over my news feed?  People accusing President Obama of trying to take their guns.  That's not what he was saying at all.  If people would listen to understand, they would know that President Obama wanted to improve background checks.  I didn't agree with a lot of what President Obama did while in office, but I agreed with him on background checks.
Common sense says that if a criminal wants to purchase a gun, they will find a way.
Uncommon sense says that by creating stricter background checks and raising the age for those who purchase guns, it will become a little more difficult to get a gun.  Key words being 'a little'.  This won't solve our gun violence problems, but it may help.  A little.

2.  Abortion

I really hate hearing people say "My body, my choice".  Although it's true, it is your body, and yes, you should have a say in what happens to your body, there are, in my opinion, limits.  Abortion being the main one.
Common sense says that if a woman is raped, a victim of incest, or likely to die during labor, abortion is a good answer.
Uncommon sense agrees.  But uncommon sense doesn't like the idea of a woman who accidentally got pregnant having an abortion because it's "her body, her choice".  What about the baby's body?  What about the baby's choice?  Do you know how many couples are unable to have children?  Do you know how many people are waiting to adopt a child?  As much as I hate to say it, if you don't want the innocent soul in your womb for yourself, put it up for adoption.  Let the child live.  Give someone else the chance at being a parent.

3.  Food Stamps

Having worked in retail, (even if it was only for three months) I swiped a lot of EBT and SNAP cards.  Most people used them wisely.  They bought the things they needed to feed their families.  But there were some people who took advantage.  In my three months working retail, I had someone buy a cart full of Mountain Dew 2-liters with food stamps.  I had someone else buy a cart full of Halloween candy.  Then, one day, I had a woman who just wanted a microwave meal.  But it wasn't approved.  Buy as much soda and candy as you want, but you want a Healthy Choice frozen meal?  Too bad!
Common sense says that people who rely on food stamps have the right to buy whatever food they want.
Uncommon sense agrees, to a degree.  The current plan is to limit what food stamps can buy.  Have you seen the potential list of foods that will be approved?  It's awful!  Instead of canned fruits and vegetables, let's approve fresh fruits and vegetables.  Instead of ready-to-eat meals, lets approve healthy ingredients.  And there must be a way to limit things.  No more carts full of garbage.

Uncommon sense, the sixth sense, is getting lost among people's wants and desires.  Think about your life.  What are you focused on?  Wants?  Or needs?  What are you willing to do to get what you need?  What are you willing to change to improve the world for others?  Think about it.  Use your uncommon sense.

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