Thursday, July 5, 2018

Adulting pt. 2: Show Me the Money

I recently traded in my 1997 Ford Taurus (Goldfinger) for a 2004 Hyundai Sonata (The Hakuna Matata Sonata).  I had the radiator in the Taurus flushed three times in three months before trading it in.  I bought the Sonata, which runs beautifully.  It had a faint smell of gasoline which slowly became more and more noticeable.  When the Ice Age of 2018 finally ended, I learned that the air conditioner didn't work.  I eventually learned that my new car needed a new gas tank and a new compressor.
Meanwhile, for reasons beyond my control and beyond my boss's control, I was only working about fifteen hours a week, taking two college classes, and trying to figure out why my cat had been sneezing for the past two years.  Needless to say, a lot of money was being spent.  It's crazy to think that just one year ago, I had more money in the bank than I had ever had before.  But when life gives you lemons, you end up buying more lemons.
It got to the point where my parents (bless their hearts!) were loaning me money.  I am extremely grateful to them.  I am also annoyed.  I know how much my parents struggle.  I now feel like I am adding to their burdens.
I am back to working 30-40 hours with the boys.  Every paycheck I get is split between my parents, the bank (who partially owns my car), and my credit card.  I'm beginning to get caught up.  But then I remember that I'm moving out of state in two months.  Driving cross country.  Paying for gas, for school, groceries.  I wish my parents had warned me that adulthood would be so anxiety inducing!  Oh wait.  They did.
Despite their warnings, I grew up.  I should have listened better and stayed a child.  As if I had a choice.

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