Thursday, August 25, 2016

Dump the Trump

Dump the Trump
Needless to say, the 2016 Presidential election has been an odd one. Between a woman who cheated to get as far as she did and an egomaniac who tells lies to make himself sound good, it is no wonder many Americans are struggling with who to vote for. Many are considering the third party options, which others claim would be a wasted vote. So how does one decide who to vote for? If you absolutely had to choose between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, who would be the best option?
The biggest problem with this election is that many Democrats refuse to vote for Clinton, and many Republicans refuse to vote for Trump. The elections shouldn't be about parties, though. They should be about who is the best candidate. People need to consider things such as morals and temperaments. While there is plenty of reason to believe that neither candidate has good morals, it is obvious which candidate has the worst temperament.
Let us examine temperaments for a moment. Why is temperament so important you ask? Consider this scenario. The time has come to enroll your child in school. The school gives you the option of two teachers. One, Mr. Johnson, has been teaching for two years. He is a clean cut man who leads an uneventful life. After talking with other parents, though, you learn that Mr. Johnson tends to go on rants and can become verbally abusive to his students. Your other option is Mr. Brown, who has been teaching for ten years. He loves his job and is good at what he does. He is very respectful to the students and just wants to see them succeed. You learn from the other parents that Mr. Brown doesn't live a very clean lifestyle. Weekends find him getting drunk and sometimes violent. Which teacher would you choose? The one who leads a good life but is abusive? Or the one who genuinely cares for the well being of the students but does questionable things over the weekends. Which teacher would you want to help mold your child's future?
Just like picking the best teacher, this year's Presidential election is asking us to make a morally confusing choice. It is time to put morals aside and think about the future of our nation. Do we want a verbally abusive President who leads a clean(-ish) life, or do we want someone with experience who can get the job done, but has done questionable things with her life? It seems like a difficult choice, but it actually fairly simple. Donald Trump is well known for picking fights. Who can forget the feud between him and Rosie O'Donnell a few years back? And all his outbursts during debates, calling people names and speaking disrespectfully about women and other races. What might happen if this man were to run the country?
Jennifer Rubin wrote an article for The Washington Post entitled “What Trump Temper Tantrums Tell Us.” In this article, Rubin recaps various occasions when Trump lost his cool. But it is not the “tantrums” that we should worry about. Rubin writes that “it should concern voters that in negotiations...he would likely let his emotions get the best of him and reveal his weak points.” Why should this be a concern to us? As the leader of the United States, one of Trump's jobs would be to meet with other world leaders. Imagine what would happen if one of these leaders disagreed with or insulted Trump. Would Trump be able to keep a cool head? Or would he blow things out of proportion? It is not difficult to offend people in today's world. If world leaders were to offend each other, they wouldn't just lose their friendship. The results would go much farther than that. We, the United States, could lose valuable allies and exports. Worst case scenario would be war. This may sound a little extreme, but anything is possible.
Steve Chapman of The Chicago Tribune wrote that “anyone who doesn't automatically agree, in his view, is not just mistaken but corrupt.” This further goes to show that anyone who has differing ideas from those of Trump are just asking for trouble. They aren't looking for trouble on purpose, though. Trump assumes that they are and immediately goes on the offensive.
We can all agree that Hillary Clinton doesn't deserve to be President of the United States, but it should be noted that she can keep her head in dire situations. She can handle negotiations with other world leaders. Don't make this election about morals. Make it about what is best for the future of this country.

Works Cited
Chapman, Steve. "Donald Trump's Epic Meltdown - A Narcissistic Con Artist Wallows in Self Pity." Chicago Tribune. 1 June 2016. Web. 24 Aug. 2016.
Jennifer, Rubin. "What Trump Temper Tantrums Tell Us." The Washington Post. 1 June 2016. Web. 24 Aug. 2016.

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