As mentioned a few posts ago, I have been experiencing symptoms that I've had two doctors say may be coming from a mass growing on my pituitary gland. Since then, I have been working on getting better health insurance. I was already covered, so I wasn't rushing. Until I got a bill for some blood work I had done in January. It was almost $500! And I had another bill coming for blood work I had done beginning of March. I got on my computer right away and applied for Medicaid. They needed a bunch of paperwork, which I got to them as quickly as I could. I got an email about two weeks later saying that I was not eligible for Medicaid. The email directed me to a website and phone number for Marketplace, where I could shop around for health insurance based on my income. There were no other directions other than to go to the website or call the number.
I tried the website first, to find absolutely no directions on what needed to be done. So I called the number. The lady I talked to filled out a new application with me and told me she needed a couple more papers from me and the date of when my prior coverage ended. I called the number again today and spoke with someone different. I told him I had the date my coverage ended, which just so happened to be today (I didn't get a letter from them or anything!). The man I was talking to told me he didn't need a date, just the paperwork. I asked a couple questions, confused and frustrated, and he recommended doing the application again. So that's what we did. In a matter of a month, I've applied for insurance three times.
Based on my income, the man on the phone was able to set me up with Marketplace. I am finally ready to choose my coverage. The man on the phone made sure to tell me, though, that because of my low income, I wasn't eligible for a tax credit and I'd have to pay full price for coverage. The plans range between $230 and $570 a month. There were a few reasonable options, until I took a closer look. For $230 a months, I would have full coverage, meaning I wouldn't pay a thing, after an $8,600 deductible.
I still haven't picked a plan. I'm going to sit down with my parents and have them help me out.
I am absolutely disgusted at all the red tape I had to go through just to find out that because I don't make a lot of money, health coverage is extra expensive for me. I honestly wouldn't mind paying $230 a month for coverage. It's the ridiculous $8,600 deductible I don't understand! I wouldn't worry so much if I didn't have an MRI coming up. And, depending on what the MRI shows, I may need to have surgery as well. I can't pay for any of this!
You better believe that I'll be writing an email to my local congressman, senator, or whoever about this issue. It just doesn't make any sense! Taking care of one's self should not be a decision between paying for medical bills or paying for food and shelter. I am blessed to be living with my parents who are always willing to help out financially. But I see their struggles, too, and I don't want to have to rely on them. I want cheaper, if not free, health care/coverage. I want to live a long, happy life. I don't want that to be dependent on my income. It's just not fair!
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