I know it's not Thursday, but here's a new post anyways.
This past week has been quite the roller coaster ride. It started last Saturday at work when I began having pain in my ribs. I took some pain killers and kept going. About half an hour later, my legs got really weak and shaky. I left work a few hours early.
On Monday, I called off work and went to Urgent Care. I was still experiencing rib pain and a lot of weakness. After some x-rays and an EKG, it was determined that the weakness was possibly a result to a mass I have growing on my pituitary gland. I've known about this mass since 2013, but it hasn't grown or caused any worries for me over the years.
As for my rib pain, let's just say that I was in need of some laxatives.
Also on Monday, my younger sister gave birth to her first child. Yay for nephew number three!
On Tuesday, I left work early.
On Wednesday, the weakness and shakiness was still going on. I was given the day off of work. I saw my primary care provider and he ordered some blood work and an MRI. He also asked me about my history of chest pain. He said that the mass on my brain could be affecting my prolactin levels. In other words, if my sister ever got tired of nursing, I might've been able to help out. The blood work came back normal, though. I'm not lactating! Thank goodness! And I am scheduled to get an MRI in a little over a week.
My anxiety has been so high this week that I seemingly don't even care anymore. I've thought of every outcome to my issues. I've thought of dropping out of school to help pay for medical bills, which there is still a chance might happen. I've thought about the possible minor surgery I would need if the mass turns out to be a tumor. I've thought of everything. Now I'm so numb to the anxiety, the only thing I can think is "Bring it on".
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