Thursday, June 8, 2017

Don't Worry, Be Happy

I haven't told you guys recently how much I love my job as a manny.  I absolutely love it!  It is the perfect job for me at this time in my life.  I have fun working with the boys.  I never know what is going to happen next.  The boys keep me entertained with their jokes and silly antics.  And their mother, my boss, is awesome!  She goes out of her way to make sure I am happy and comfortable.  She is a great listener and thoughtfully considers any ideas I may come up with for the boys.  Could it get any better than this?
I didn't always have the perfect job, though.  Before my manny job came along, I worked as a shift manager at a restaurant.  Let me tell you, that is not a dream job. I was miserable as a manager.  I was always tired and irritable.  There were only three things that made me happy.  The end of the shift, my bed, and my cat.  I was a manager for about three out of my seven years at the restaurant.  Way too long!
I've worked other jobs along the way, too.  I worked retail.  That lasted three months.  I worked at a gas station.  That lasted two weeks.  I just couldn't seem to find my happy place.  I knew I wanted to work with kids, but, as I mentioned in The Manny Diaries, child care is a tough place to be in if you are not a female.  So when I finally got hired to work with the boys, I almost immediately quit my management job.  And after some time, I noticed some changes, which my older sister just confirmed for me.  She told me that I seem happier. There are hundreds of things that make me happy, not just three.  I still get very tired after a day of chasing a 5-year old around, but I don't dread going back to work the next day.  I look forward to it.
Don't be afraid of changing jobs.  Finances are important, but I believe happiness is more important.  I am proof that doing what you love can change your outlook on life.  I went from being Scrooge (A Christmas Carol), always negative and hating everything, to Buddy (Elf), finding the good in everything and always striving to be happy.  Pass the happiness on like a disease.  That's what I try to do everyday, now.  Happiness is contagious.  Don't be afraid to catch it and share it.

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