Growing up with anxiety gave me a lot to cry about as a kid. I was afraid of the dark, afraid of people, afraid of water (swimming). When put in an uncomfortable situation, I would usually cry. It took me years to overcome this. There have been times as an adult where I was put in an uncomfortable situation and the only thing I could do was shed a few tears. In today's society, this is really embarrassing. I'm actually embarrassed to be writing about this. We as a society are just fine with women crying. They are allowed to show emotion. But Heaven forbid if a boy should cry. Buck up! Big boys don't cry.
It seems as though boys are taught to hide their emotions. I tried to hide mine for years. All that bottled up emotion has to come out eventually. Let's just hope no one is around when it happens.
I don't remember the last time I cried, which is a huge improvement for me. But when I keep my emotions to myself and let them build up inside me, I usually end up crying eventually. But different people react in different ways. Some people, after hiding their emotions, can become angry and lash out at loved ones. Not only is that unhealthy, it is potentially dangerous for others.
Remember those t-shirts that said "Real Men Wear Pink"? It's true. Real men do wear pink. Real men also show emotion. They express their feelings openly. Women, don't assume that men are heartless, soulless beings. And men, don't be afraid to show that you have a heart. Don't be afraid to cry a little, laugh sometimes, and love a lot. You'll be doing yourself a favor.
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