Thursday, February 23, 2017

I Am a Cracked Pot

Read the title again.  I'm a cracked pot.  A pot with a crack in it.  Now that we've got that cleared up, let me explain myself.
At church this Sunday, one of the speakers told the following story:
(This is written in my words)
There was once a servant who was tasked with retrieving water every day.  Every morning, he would grab his pole and water pots and begin the trek to the water.  One of the water pots had a crack in it.  After retrieving the water, the servant would make his way back to his master's home, the cracked pot emptying ever so slowly.
One day on this trek, the cracked pot asked the servant a question.
"Why do you keep using me to retrieve water?" the cracked pot asked.  "I am cracked and I leak the water that is meant for your master."
The servant smiled and replied, "After we have retrieved the water, look down at the ground as we head back to the master's house."  The cracked pot did just this.  On the way back to the house, the cracked pot noticed flowers growing along the path.
Once the servant was home again, the cracked pot spoke up again.  "I do not understand," it said.  "I saw beautiful flowers, but that is all."
The servant gave another gentle smile and said "How do you think those flowers got there?  After I realized that you had a leak, I decided to plant flower seeds along the path on the side that I carry you.  Everyday, you water those seeds.  They are now the beautiful flowers that you saw today."

After hearing that story, I wondered what my "cracks" were.  I am not perfect.  Nobody is perfect.  We all have our flaws, or cracks.  My biggest flaw is most likely my anxiety disorder.  But instead of letting my disorder control my life, I take the reigns and make something good out of my problems.  Because of my anxiety, I feel that I am more patient.  I am kind.  (And humble, right?)  Acknowledging your flaws is an important step in overcoming them.  Once you have overcome your flaws, it will be easier to help others overcome their flaws, especially if they are similar to your own.  So go find your flaws.  You are a cracked pot.  Don't cover up your flaws.  And definitely don't make them worse! Build upon them.  Work on them.  Become a better you so you can help others become better.

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