Last week, I celebrated my 28th birthday. On Monday, I went roller skating. I only fell on my bum three times. On Tuesday, I saw Captain Marvel. And on Wednesday, my actual birthday, I worked. Such is the life of an adult.
I have now had ten years of adulting experience. I hate to say it, but I still don't know how to be an adult. In just two years, I'll have spent about a third of life as an adult, I wouldn't be surprised if I am still as clueless as I am today.
Things have gotten easier, though. Since moving out to Idaho, I feel that I have become a more responsible person. I've definitely learned the value of money, that's for sure. I used to think $5 was nothing. Now I feel greatly humbled and blessed anytime I receive a dollar bill.
My body is starting to go. My knee is doing some weird things and I can never seem to sleep in a position that my neck likes. Not to mention the white hairs popping up like dandelions in my sideburns.
Overall, life is good. I learn new things weekly, usually the hard way. But that's just life.